

I am a Colombian-American artist now living in Manchester, England. Exploring sound and mark-making during live improvised events, I regularly perform as a member of Takahashi’s Shellfish Concern. It is a group in which abstract expressionist visual art is combined with experimental electronic-acoustic music to accentuate the similarities of both. Currently, I am pursuing a Masters in Contemporary Fine Art at the University of Salford.

Light potential

I’ve been tearing into canvases since I started using the projector to augment the experience (It just felt like the natural thing to do). However, just recent I’ve started placing the projector behind the canvas–so now it looks like I’m…

Shower Thoughts

Rod just saw the title and made me aware of how it sounded. Perhaps not as sexy a post given the title…. Move the drawings to three dimensional space. Do it with movement and sound. Possibly by diffusing the sound.…

I am mostly bacteria

I am mostly bacteria. My body is in stability, an equilibrium of symbiotic small organisms. But I also have a single point of view, I. And it is a tool, or a muscle, that evolved from that organization of trillions…


MP3 (8:55) of our TSC performance VIDEO of the event with Takahashi as the first act Takahashi’s Shellfish Concern performed at Trinity Church on March 15th 2012 for a Videoformers event. I used the new set up, which means I was controlling…


pg5 I want to put small things in high places in big rooms with tall ceilings. These things make sound–as if they are building something up there… What are they doing up there? Little things in big rooms. Big things…